
Over the years we have found that some leaseholders occasionally need a little extra support towards understanding how their leases work and what the lease means to them as a homeowner. In order to assist with this, Concordia Residential offers leaseholder training to help educate and to ensure the very best management of your development in line with the RICS Service Charges Residential Management Code. Whether the building you live in is self-managed, freeholder managed or you are part of a management company (RTM’s included), our training will help you to get the best from your service charge, whilst providing a greater understanding of leasehold management. We offer training times and blocks to suit you, from short half hour slots before work, to full days training or a quick meeting to analyse your service charge collection.

Our training offers start with (but are not limited to):

1. Understanding your Lease
2. Budgeting for a new Service Charge year
3. Compliance
4. Understanding how to collect Service Charges and Ground Rent

Should you feel that you and your neighbours would benefit from a specific aspect of leasehold training that is not included above, just ask us! We’d be happy to help.

Concordia Residential can also provide full management services to all developments as well as individual leaseholders. To find out more about what Concordia Residential can offer you please visit our property management page.